Salty Droid >> bleep bloop

Salty Droid

James Arthur Ray Trial Stuffs :: April 20th

– Who wants a prior sweat lodge? #JamesRay #

– Mr. Li wishes Ms. Polk would quit being so mean to him. #JamesRay Mr. Li lacks candor … again … and again … and again. #JamesRay #

– Ms. Polk argues that the more the defense pokes at causation :: the more relevant prior lodges become. #JamesRay #

– Defense quotes new Dr Mosley interview where he says it would be “dangerous to extrapolate from past lodges” {for a doctor maybe} #JamesRay #

– Look … it’s a trial. #JamesRay @InSession #

– Debbie heard someone reported as “unconscious” at the back of the lodge after the 7th round :: “I can’t get them to respond.” #JamesRay #

– Lisa {the “nurse”} asked Debbie what should we do :: Debbie thinks call an ambulance … Lisa says “find Megan” #JamesRay #

– Debbie saw #JamesRay on a cell phone on her way back from calling 911. #

– They surely have his cell phone records :: so maybe during Det. Diskin’s testimony we’ll find out who #JamesRay called while people died. #

– Debbie says #JamesRay was splashing water on himself. That would have been nice for Liz’s cooking brain too. #

– Faux-god had a water bottle for yummy non-dying drinking inside the death lodge. #JamesRay #

– Debbie is like :: “wtf?” :: when #JamesRay tells people to return to their cabins as help finally arrives. #

– He wasn’t yelling :: or asking nicely :: it was more like an order. Objection sustained as to “not nicely” … #JamesRAy #

– OMG :: As Linda A. arrived at SW09 Debbie was thinking “I hope we don’t have to carry her out” :: #JamesRay #

– Linda almost died :: and they were trying to take her away from help in a golf cart. #JamesRay {hiding the dying evidence} #

– Debbie helped get people away from the scene {in helicopters} but not so much to hide in their rooms. #JamesRay #

– Liz was really nice to Debbie before #JamesRay killed her. #

– Lou Caci wouldn’t stay in the ambulance. He’s whispers to Debbie “I can’t, I don’t have underwear on”. #JamesRay #HeatStroke #shock #

– Debbie baby talked Lou back to the ambulance. How nice! #JamesRay #

– Debbie stayed at the scene {per instructions} for a long time after she was done doing everything she could. Started feeling sick and bad. #

– No part of the lodge was ever hot to the touch according to Debbie. #JamesRay #

– Lots of questions about Debbie getting sick :: not really relevant but the defense is totally gay for it #JamesRay #

– Ms. Polk getting some of her redirect out of the way now :: it won’t stop T-Kelly … #JamesRay #

– Debbie just sat there crying during the “corn prayer” lodge takedown ceremony. #JamesRay #sensible #

– Debbie describes the #JamesRay lodges as “more of gauntlet” #

– At least six big buckets of water went into the sweat lodge. #JamesRay #

– The tarps outside the lodge were there only for #JamesRay because his was the only lodge requiring emergency hose service. #

– Debbie can’t remember anyone other than #JamesRay holding a lodge that went more than four rounds. #

– Sidebar :: @InSession = “#JamesRay trial is O - V - E - R” #

– Back :: T-Kelly still objecting {to no avail} about how other lodge facilitators only used one bucket of water and doused with a soup ladle #

– In non-gaulent lodges partipants were allowed to drink water :: door sometimes left open for entire round. #JamesRay #

– In 2008 more than half left before the finish :: less people left early in 2009. #JamesRay #

– Debbie says #JamesRay was “tougher” on people who wanted to leave in 2009 :: objection sustained. #

– “You’re not your body” “To be reborn you have to die” were new to the 2009 #JamesRay gauntlet. #

– “This is your journey, take care of yourself.” “You need to leave your body to live.” #JamesRay not saying that crap in 2008. #

– Recess. Mr. Kelly making the questioning as hard as possible :: but Ms. Polk good at the easy way and the hard way. So sad for #JamesRay #

– Debbie Mercer not interviewed by defense :: now they’re not happy with not knowing what she’s going to say. #JamesRay #

– Whine time over … recess. #JamesRay #

– In 2008 some people walked out :: some people passed out. #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly begins his cross of Debbie Mercer. #JamesRay #

– Q: The JRI lodges were corporate not spiritual … correct? A: Huh? #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly says “crazy Americans” do all sorts of dangerous things. #JamesRAy #

– Debbie says she doesn’t know how real native sweats should be held, she only knows about the weird stuff that went down at Angel Valley #

– People die … correct? #JamesRay #

– People leave … correct? #JamesRay #

– Debbie refuses to agree that people were totally free to leave. #JamesRay #

– Q: You never saw anyone pushed into the lodge? A: I never saw anyone succeed. #JamesRay #

– As soon as Debbie brings up the Dream Team pushing Mr. Kelly switches from questions about “JRI” … “no I meant James Ray” #

– Ted and Debbie should have stayed in Chicago. #JamesRay #

– The defense highly reliant on misstating prior witness testimony :: too bad the jury was allowed to hear that prior testimony. #JamesRay #

– Ms. Polk objects to the “misinformation” of calling Angel Valley a church :: sustained. #JamesRay #

– Q: Does a vegetarian diet change your mental status? A: I guess not. {Debbie prolly not a manipulation expert} #

– Mr. Kelly flips from “James Ray International” to “James Ray” {within same question } again after he didn’t like an answer. #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly so confusable. #JamesRay #

– Q: What did you call that hole? A: A hole. #JamesRay #goodstuff #

– Q: Are you aware that we got this shocking report last week? A: Uhm … what? Objection sustained. Jury dismissed. #

– Ms. Polk wants to know if the defense intends to call Mr. Haddow to lay foundation for the bullshit hearsay they just entered. #

– Judge Darrow doesn’t care for the rhetorical questions either. #JamesRay #

– Mr. Haddow admitted that he sent the email to try and get a job with the State … which he didn’t get. #JamesRay #

– Since the defense didn’t get a mistrial :: Mr. Kelly wants to be allowed unlimited rhetorical questions. #JamesRay #

– Ms. Polk :: Haddow would testify that a centered pit would create an even more dangerous heat barrier. #JamesRay #

– Lunch. Mr. Kelly’s bullshit question in front of the jury was a much bigger violation of process than the late email disclosure. #JamesRay #

– Debbie is admitting to not being an expert on the science of sweat lodges. #JamesRay #

– It can’t be completely ruled out that several screaming chipmunks were just bludgeoned to death in the court room. #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly plays a clip of Ted saying the only difference he could think of in the 2009 lodge was the wood. #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly asks Debbie about a conversation she had with #JamesRay in 2008 without knowing what she’ll say. Luckily it was about Starbucks. #

– Q: You didn’t stop @Oprah’s guru sweat lodge? A: No I didn’t. #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly asks Debbie if #JamesRay used words to help keep people in the lodge … implying no. Debbie says yes. #

– As a follow up Mr. Kelly forces Debbie to state several times that she’s sure #JamesRay kept people inside with words :: great job! #

– Debbie is owning Mr. Kelly :: not like that’s hard. #JamesRay #

– Sidebar about Mr. Kelly’s unquenchable desire to narrate bullshit to the jury. #JamesRay #

– Tape played of Debbie’s Oct 8th hospital interview :: it was short :: and she doesn’t remember it at all. #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly doesn’t think Debbie should have memory problems because she only watched people die … didn’t almost die herself. #JamesRay #

– Since the event :: Debbie and Fawn have talked about emotions :: but not about details. #JamesRay #

– Q: So you didn’t say “man I can’t believe that happened or anything like that?” A: No. #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly wasted a bunch of time trying to ask Debbie about Ted’s unfounded opinions about the heat of lodge in 2008 vs 2009. Fail. #

– Mr. Kelly plays the 911 call to impeach Debbie’s testimony that Lisa said “find Megan” … I guess … strange. Recess. #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly wants calgon to take him away. #JamesRay #

– Det. Diskin told Debbie to get a civil lawyer :: Mr. Kelly takes 20 min to make the point. #JamesRay #

– RT @yakaru309: Kelly thinks DM talked with her husband to invent exactly the same testimony as 60 other ppl. #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly talking about how 2007 was not so bad. #JamesRay #

– Debbie admits she exaggerated when she described the 2008 pictures as “40 people vomiting and convulsing” {her memory of events not photos} #

– Mr. Kelly blows up a photo and asks Debbie to look for vomit. #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly asks Debbie if she recalls forgetting … #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly trying to finish with a flurry … I hope … or he’s just trying to flurry. #JamesRay #

– Debbie is making “assumptions” about pictures based only on having been there at the time. #JamesRay #

– Debbie objects to only being allowed “assumptions” about the people smiling in the photos. Overruled. #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly says “no reason to call 911” about every photo. #JamesRay Debbie :: “not in the photo but some people didn’t know their names” #

– “Crazy americans are the people who like to win?” :: Worst question ever? #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly says “gauntlet” originated with native-Americans. #wtf Crazy American lawyers are ignorant … correct? #JamesRay #

– And how :: Mr. Kelly’s old man flurry complete. Ms. Polk begins redirect. #JamesRay #

– Mr. Kelly said “911” about 60 times :: so I hope we hear more about just how fond #JamesRay was of people calling 911 at “his lodge” #

– Ms. Polk is gathering exhibits :: the Judge says the jury can stand up :: but crazy Americans don’t stand … they sit and eat chips. #

– Debbie has delayered :: I want her and Mr. Kelly to fist fight. My money on Debbie. #JamesRay #

– When Debbie was interviewed by police they talked about the buckets of water :: and the extremeness compared to other lodges :: then wood. #

– Debbie’s memories about events were jogged by calming down and further specific questioning. She was a mess at the hospital. #JamesRay #

– Debbie getting tons of calls from reporters :: she didn’t talk to any. Debbie thinks it’s wrong to tell only part of story before the trial. #

– Hopefully Ms. Polk will be able to clear up the confusion about whether or not crazy americans like to win. #JamesRay #

– Debbie had already answered most of the questions before Det. Diskin advised her about getting a civil lawyer. #JamesRay #

– Ms. Polk reads Det. Diskin’s prediction that the defense would try to blame the Mercers. Boom! #JamesRay #

– Debbie showing a genuine concern for the truth no matter the results. How unusual. #JamesRay #

– “You are not your body” … wait … yes you are. #JamesRay stupid. #

– Ms. Polk asked Debbie if she heard Laura Tucker encourage Liz to stay in the lodge :: she didn’t because she didn’t. #JamesRay #

– Q: Did you hear #JamesRay tell participants that the veggie diet might alter their mental states? Answer not required. #JamesRay #

– The orignal “how-to build lodge” instructions {2007} calls for 3 buckets :: but in 2009 there was more buckets. #JamesRay #

– Q: Why more buckets? A: Hard time keeping enough water in past years. #JamesRay #

– #JamesRay requested a “bigger Kiva” :: that’s why the lodge was rebuilt in 2008. #

– Jury dismissed for evening. #JamesRay #

– Trial to end early on Friday due to the death of Jesus. #JamesRay #

– Recess. Eat your vegetables. #JamesRay #

>> bleep bloop
