But Death and Tax Clubs
29 Dec 2011 :: by sd :: 80 CommentsThe Tax Club just wants to help people … it’s all about helping. That’s why The Tax Club CEO Michael Savage went on the Fox & Friends to offer up his fancy inauguration tickets to river pilot Sully Sullenberger. It was quite a touching moment of selfless self-promotion.
Paying your taxes can be complicated :: especially when your fake business doesn’t make any money :: and that’s where The Tax Club comes in … specializing in tax preparation for businesses without business. Why wait to pay an accountant in the future for services you could pretend to need from The Tax Club right now? Joyce Marie from the testimonial page agrees …
… helping. Helping is probably also why The Tax Club is a member of The Alliance for Life Long Learning :: as they explain …
At The Tax Club, we are dedicated to the highest standards of business practices and customer service. For this reason, we support and are a proud member of The Alliance for Lifelong Learning. This Alliance was formed by organizations and companies that were dedicated to building and maintaining quality products and services for the education industry. To become a member of the Alliance, The Tax Club had to comply with rigorous standards relating to every facet of our business.
“Rigorous standards” :: like frequently licking Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff :: as The Alliance discussed in their 2009 K Street meeting … a meeting attended by Michael Savage.
The Tax Club is located on the 60th floor of the Empire State Building :: as they try to remind you at least once per paragraph. But here’s the address I prefer {being a bit of a stickler} …
1492 Silicon Way St. George, UT 84770
… because The Tax Club is a Utah company … and that’s the address they give on their Utah incorporation paperworks. The Tax Club was mentioned on the fake robot blog this summer in association with 40 minutes worth of Professional Marketing International boiler room audio horror. Says me …
tax-deductible — um … what? sounds like bullshit … maybe Utah’s The Tax Club can help by billing $2500 more to Debbie’s card
Replies a commenter …
The Tax Club would nail her for way more than 2500 – No joke some of the buyers drop 30-40k before they are done running through the mill…
Once Utah based Alliance member Professional Marketing International gets their filthy claws into someone like Debbie … they pass her off down the chain of telemarketing doom. Here’s a page that acts as a bridge between the two …
“As a valued PMI client, we would like to offer you a free Sales Tax ID set up. Obtaining a sales tax ID can play a key role in getting your business up and running. For that reason, PMI and The Tax Club have partnered together to make sure that we get you set up as quickly as possible.”
Again with the helping. So anywayz :: last week …
New Canaan police said Michael Savage, of 119 Clearview Lane, New Canaan, crashed his 2009 Maserati Quattroporte at Ponus Ridge and Lakewind roads just before 10:26 p.m. Thursday …
The car was allegedly heading southbound on Ponus Ridge Road when the it somehow went off the northbound lane and onto the lawn of 1801 Ponus Ridge Road police said. On the property, the car hit a mailbox and a tree before it came to rest on top of a stone wall. Police said the car was completely totaled and unrecognizable.
Witnesses saw Savage leaving the crash scene on foot, according to a release by Sgt. John Milligan.
A new Maserati … nice. I mean it’s ruined now … but it was prolly nice before. And local reporter Paresh Jha reports that Savage purchased his home in 2010 for $3.9 million … also nice. It’s good to know that someone is making them monies … I remember Debbie saying she was 56 and making only $26,000 per year … but that was then … by now she’s probably just as rich as Michael Savage and has her own ruined Maserati.
Arriving police and firefighters found a passenger trapped inside the car.
James Jackson Savage was pronounced dead at the scene, Milligan said.
His father was in the car :: trapped … dead or dying. The younger Mr. Savage :: having brought him to this condition … left him there and fled the scene. Police spent the night searching for Michael Savage :: they found him early Friday morning at a hospital one town over … where he refused to be interviewed without his lawyer.
So while The Tax Club’s Michael Savage is lawyering up over the death of his father :: I thought I might show the Google checking Connecticut police who paid for that fucking ruined Maserati …
… and give a shout out to shitbag Michael Savage … let him know that :: yes :: I certainly will be there for him in this his hour of most not needing me.
>> bleep bloop