The Malinchak Retraction
02 May 2011 :: by sd :: 107 CommentsJames Malinchak isn’t a scammer :: according to a big fat pile of crap sites James Malinchak built to tell people/google about how he isn’t a scammer. I’d link to one :: but for some reason the things I link to tend to disappear.
Speaking of making things disappear :: what an odd request this is for a person so committed to burying his negative search results …
From: James Malinchak JV <>
Date: Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 12:38 PM
Subject: (Millionaire Secrets JV) Critical Info For Payout/Final Wrap-upThe Millionaire Secrets promotion was an absolute blast, and we truly appreciate all of the support from our partners!
We are now involved in the post-launch wrap-up…and have a few critical items to communicate today.
So…lets get right to it :)
Removal Of Marketing Material From The Public Internet
Now that the promotion is officially over, our legal counsel reminded us that it is critical to have all residual marketing material removed from the Internet to avoid any consumer confusion. Therefore, please remove all marketing artifacts (Blogs, paid ads, review sites) from the Internet by no later than midnight this coming Friday (April, 29th).
Based on this being a compliance issue, this is a crucial activity. Therefore, please end an email to ( (or simply reply to this email) and let us know the domains/sites you’ve pulled down. If we do not hear from you by midnight on Friday, we will assume that you have not complied with this request, so it is imperative that we hear from you.
Taking care of this task is not one of those ‘fun’ things…but is definitely one of those ‘critical’ ones.
Failure to remove any Millionaire Secrets Revealed related marketing artifacts by Friday at midnight may place your affiliate commissions at risk of delay or even forfeit, so please act on this immediately.
Okay…now on to the fun stuff…
So take down your marketing materials or you won’t get paid? That’s just a wee lil’ addendumb that James Malinchak thought he’d add after people had already performed on the contract. Of course :: contract law doesn’t allow you to do stuff like that :: but James Malinchak is not a scammer so I guess he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
The video above was cut from the JV/affiliate recruitment page hosted by Gotcha Sean McAlister.
Pumping and pimping for James Malinchak are representatives of The Secret :: The IM syndicate :: and the GKIC-mastermind.
Not that we have an overlapping cartel situation or anything :: cause I’m not saying that … that’s just what I’m strongly implying.
>> bleep bloop